Monday, March 14, 2011

Earth Hour!

Hey everyone! Earth Hour is coming up next week and the Sustainability Fund Committee is putting on a special event to celebrate and raise awareness!

Earth Hour is a global event during which millions of people in 128 countries turn off their lights for one hour (awesome and inspirational video found here: This year, Oxy is joining in! Since Saturday evening (when the real Earth Hour is scheduled) is a difficult time for most Oxy students to go an hour in the dark, we're planning on Oxy's very own Earth Hour on Thursday the ...24th, from 8:30-9:30 pm!

Soo...what is Earth Hour, exactly? For just ONE HOUR, turn off your lights and limit your use of electronics as much as possible. This small effort by each person combines to have a MASSIVE impact on our energy usage!

Don't know what to do for an hour in the dark?? Come down to the Quad!!! We'll have FREE snacks available, and a 9 pm we'll be leading a night hike up Fiji to check out the awesome view. And don't forget - Earth Hour is a single event, but being earth-friendly should last year-round! Share your tips for staying green at Oxy in the comments below, and don't forget to join us on the 24th to show your support for sustainability at Oxy!