Thursday, September 8, 2011

application to join committee

The committee is seeking students interested in serving on the ASOC Renewable Energy & Sustainability Fund

2011/2012 ASOC Renewable Energy & Sustainability Fund
Committee Member Application
Due September 20, 2011

The ASOC Renewable Energy & Sustainability Fund was established by students of Occidental College to help fund projects that make Occidental a more environmentally sustainable community. Our mission is to improve Occidental by empowering students to carry out their own visions for sustainability; we do this by funding projects that make Oxy’s campus a better place to study and live while also combating climate change.

Please answer the following questions in 100-250 words.  Email your completed application to  If you have any questions about the Fund or application process, please email

1.  What is your interest in becoming a member of the Renewable Energy and Sustainability Fund? 

2. Why do you believe you’d be an asset to the Renewable Energy and Sustainability Fund? Include any relevant experience, as well as a brief discussion of what personal attributes you’d bring to the Fund. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Earth Hour!

Hey everyone! Earth Hour is coming up next week and the Sustainability Fund Committee is putting on a special event to celebrate and raise awareness!

Earth Hour is a global event during which millions of people in 128 countries turn off their lights for one hour (awesome and inspirational video found here: This year, Oxy is joining in! Since Saturday evening (when the real Earth Hour is scheduled) is a difficult time for most Oxy students to go an hour in the dark, we're planning on Oxy's very own Earth Hour on Thursday the ...24th, from 8:30-9:30 pm!

Soo...what is Earth Hour, exactly? For just ONE HOUR, turn off your lights and limit your use of electronics as much as possible. This small effort by each person combines to have a MASSIVE impact on our energy usage!

Don't know what to do for an hour in the dark?? Come down to the Quad!!! We'll have FREE snacks available, and a 9 pm we'll be leading a night hike up Fiji to check out the awesome view. And don't forget - Earth Hour is a single event, but being earth-friendly should last year-round! Share your tips for staying green at Oxy in the comments below, and don't forget to join us on the 24th to show your support for sustainability at Oxy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Who are we??

To help you get to know us, the members of the ASOC Renewable Energy and Sustainability Fund Committee, we've prepared a little "About Us" post - fun facts about ourselves and why we joined the committee. Maybe you know us, maybe you don't, but feel free to come say hi if you see any of us walking around campus!

Emily Ritchie

I am a senior UEP major from Portland, OR. I've been a competitive Scottish Highland dancer for 15 years. Currently, I am one of the head chefs that runs Well Fed, Oxy's student-run restaurant. Also, I am a huge cheese fanatic and won a Richter Traditional Scholarship to study a cheese called L'Etivaz AOC in Switzerland, over the summer. I joined the committee because I wanted to see a difference in the sustainability of the Oxy campus. I saw a great opportunity to encourage students to make a change. 

Giovanni Saarman
I am a junior Economics major, with minors in Spanish and Urban and Environmental Policy. I can trace my commitment to environmentalism and sustainability to the my experience on a sailing trip that I was fortunate enough to take with my family before starting at Occidental College. The awareness that I gained motivated me to join the ASOC Renewable Energy and Sustainability Committee in order to make a difference on our campus and in the lives of the student body. I am also involved with FEAST and our on-campus garden because I'm passionate about sustainable agriculture, cooking delicious food and sharing the bounty of the earth! 

Miranda Chien-Hale

I'm a Sophomore UEP and Chinese Studies double major here at Oxy. I joined the Renewable Energy and Sustainability Fund Committee because I want to improve Occidental's commitment towards environmental projects on campus. Being on the committee allows me the opportunity to directly support projects that I believe will improve our relationship as students with the environment. In my free time I love to play soccer, badminton, and frisbee.     

Casey Ogden

I am a senior UEP major and president of the Sustainability Fund Committee. I'm from the Bay Area and am anxiously awaiting an opportunity to return there after graduation (no offense, LA). I joined the committee because I believe Oxy has great potential to become a much more "green" campus but it just needs a little push in the right direction, which is what we're trying to do with the committee! When I'm not busy writing comps, I enjoy cooking and baking, photography, going to the beach, and hiking!  

Adrienne Daniels
I'm a senior from Portland, Oregon, studying biology here at Oxy. I have been on the ASOC Energy and Sustainability Fund for three years, my first year being the establishment of the group on campus. I am currently the VP. Besides helping out with the fund, I run track and work for the admission office, while also researching stem cells and tropical ecology for two of my professors. My favorite candies are the peanut butter M&Ms which in absolutely no circumstance should be compared to Reeses' Pieces, as they lack the critical chocolate component. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Clarifying a few things...

In order to make the application process a little more streamlined and easy, we've made a few changes. 

First, rather than picking up an application at UEPI or the SAC (they usually don't have any), just download the one linked in the "About Me" section of this blog! Once you've completed it, email it back to us at

Also, applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The committee meets bi-weekly and goes over any new applications at each meeting, so feel free to send in your application anytime!

One more thing - if you have ANY questions about the application process, feel free to email us at the gmail address above and we'd be happy to assign a member of the committee to help guide you through the application!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rebirth Trip to New Orleans

 Photo Credit: Oxy in New Orleans blog

As many of us know, a group of Oxy students from the Disaster Politics class and Rebirth went to New Orleans over winter break to volunteer and help rebuild. The Sustainability Fund is happy to report that we helped fund their trip, and the students did engage in many sustainability-related activities while in New Orleans such as working at local gardens and farms, all the while learning about food justice issues that plague New Orleans as well as Los Angeles.

For much more information about the trip as well as some great student insight, check out the Oxy in New Orleans blog: